Saturday, October 2, 2010

Update on worst person...

The subject of my last post has been placed on leave, and will apparently face a disciplinary hearing upon his return. He has also set his blog to "private," which it should have been in the first place.


  1. I'm delighted to hear it, and dismayed that my state somehow managed to employ such a sanctimonious and obviously-not-bright turd in such a position of power. I mean, seriously. How did he even make it through the first job interview?

  2. My guess is that probably there are a few closet* nut-jobs in important roles over the country.

    *The pun is so obvious that I can't decide whether it was intended or merely inevitable.

  3. If New York's former prostitution-frequenting governor, Elliott Spitzer, gets a spot on CNN's Crossfire, why should it be a surprise that Andrew Shirvell lasted in that role as long as he did. Thankfully, Andrew Shirvell is being silenced. Unfortunately for New York, Spitzer is not only making a comeback as a pseudo-celebrity, but New York still hasn't found a governor more competent than he was.

    Hello from Merle, your former inside sales contact at Paymentech. Hope you and Rachel are well.

  4. Hey Merle, send me your email address!
